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December 4, 2012

Beneath your nail
Spreading out,
Maculate tines of crimson
Wake, wake
Atop riots
In my slight atria
(And there—
Take root).


November 26, 2012

Starched ribs entomb
Motes by shepherding breath corralled
To slaughter and the hanging crook
In deeply chambered slivers of lung.


November 22, 2012

On my skin nerved with sweat
Press again the edge of imagined grace—
But I will no longer pretend to heal
When your hideous, icy craving is fed.

November 18, 2012

Slender, wilted arms of smoke
My once lavish avatar sheds
In flushed and fragrant metamorphosis
Climbing translucent, veiny husks.


November 15, 2012

Find me brining
On the crater’s shore,
Lathered sumptuously plump
And white with foam;
But elsewhere among these sandy bruises—
My severed, discarded neck


November 12, 2012

Broken teeth by gaps combing
Mellow, archaic striations
Across the brow of distant night
Like many raking diadems.


October 27, 2012

—Her obscure hollow
Disgorging clots
In frenzied links
Whipped up.


October 23, 2012

Skyward strain
Your fleshy stalks
Like palatial beams
Capped off in frost,
While I sit perched
On my toadstool guarding
Moonlight’s motley shimmering sleeves.


October 16, 2012

Hold it aslant
And let me be
(Though sometimes unprismatically)
A pinwheel set by starry grains
In tilting discourse with a breeze.


October 11, 2012

What gossip from the emerald god
Do you, bright automaton, carry
With studious care and brooding step
To my drowsy, sepia, altar?


October 6, 2012

By a royal gutter I stooped searching
Like mossy Avalokitesvara
For sustenance in the squall of rats
And nirvana in solar rigor.


October 3, 2012

Chase me into deeper space
Riding wavy hiatus
Trampling dashes burnt to seizure
Clad in havoc's acrid mane.


September 27, 2012

The moon my golem in tantrum revolting
Spews icy vapors chiming
Darker intimations of menace
Burnished with decay.


September 26, 2012

Under your cover
My pulse torched and red
Walls run
While you are still.


September 22, 2012

I wish I could summon up,
Quiet above the earth,
Some dim spectre of relief
In floating apart.


September 15, 2012

Moonrise carved into your heart
Valleys once flush with beating
Dreams of idle youth now simmered
To rank arterial sludge and scar.


September 7, 2012

From lullabying air I will abruptly crawl
To lie with you on the rough concrete
In this cradle poured for me
To drink up my carnal, impermanent dye.

September 3, 2012

Scrape me bloody with seraphic tongue
Wanting ardor to infect
My welts marbled purple-black
Sewn into the lining of my mouth.


September 2, 2012

At the bottom,
An opening to a new sky parts
Like your lips unbraiding
Gestures of invitation
To graze.


August 28, 2012

Drum on brutishly
Through tumbling ether,
Past the stride of another horizon
Already stamping away.


August 25, 2012

For the camera,
a toss of leaves
and a backward look.

August 21, 2012

I can almost snake into
Your chapped, sucking grimace
Like a vine moistened with teething
Through wormy loins of death.

August 17, 2012

Onto a latching sun
Your oracular blood
Spews up baleful nourishment.

August 17, 2012

Motion in motion unsteadily caught
In a net of a thousand streakings by
Trailing a thousand darts of light
Woven into rain.


August 16, 2012

Closer to me,
Remnant of affection
Struts silver lipstick
Almost worn off.

August 7, 2012

May your carcass like the moon risen,
Paler than its shroud,
Catch me finally with brittle arms
When the earth is ripe for falling.


July 24, 2012

Soggy aspect of Cthulhu
Limp on my plate—
I stir your sleeping tentacles
Plump with hoisin sauce and doom.

July 21, 2012

Into the pearled ellipsis of night withers
Your bright corolla’s flesh strung
Like clutches of tinsel spangling
Daylight’s watery arc.


July 10, 2012

Off his colossal shoulders
That stony helm long scourged
Severs at last with a bestial nod.


July 9, 2012

From every pore
Exhale tendrils fuming
Smoke and black intent
Riling to bloom.


July 4, 2012

The tree on Enceladus—
In your slow winter’s dream
I, pining for the warmth that buries life,
Cannot much longer stay.


June 28, 2012

Mirth in tottering red
My lurid revels collect
With light brush of talcum
On a trimly wired breast.


June 23, 2012

Your dark-varnished look
Bleeding out
Stains your cheek and mine
With sallow vitreous.


June 11, 2012

Daylight’s balm smeared
Cannot soothe
The biding care smoldering
Beneath coal-bright nights.


June 7, 2012

Take a fall into the blue,
Chieftain of matches,
And spread your limbs like flares melting
All the way out of focus.


June 1, 2012

Now bellows from his cheeks’ crater
Summer’s phantom, putrid flower
Strewing on earth pale with use
His jaw’s sinew pulled apart.


May 22, 2012

Hungering scythe
Reaps half faces
Half chewed over
By some antique blight.


May 17, 2012

A wasp on the prowl
Through smoke and false color
Hunts one truant sprite
Darting from field to flower.


May 15, 2012

The seat of bodhisattva,
In petals richly plumed,
Brushes a curtain
Falling like an open palm.


May 13, 2012

In your ocean of molten stone
A thrashing of wings against my throat
Lapped wave-red and sore
With diving.


May 11, 2012

Old men
Hanging long bearded faces
To dry on a cliff
Seasoned with commotion.


May 10, 2012

Winged waste
Roars into length and dimension
Pulled by a flash.


May 5, 2012

In charred and broken night
The heart relic still smokes
Diaphanous and wild.

May 5, 2012

Sprouts from windy dune
Sign of the worm
Dancing with its shadow
A swerve and a half.


May 4, 2012

Bands of amethyst her arms bewitch,
Prying outward their youthful eye
Bearing the glare of sudden sight
Torn from her brooding yolk their center.
